Many are starting to realize that the outrageous pronouncements by the establishment media do not comport with what is actually going on, but rather are all a show; a very strategic show, suppressing the truth...
Only in the fake news matrix of psychological operations which have been targeting Americans for decades, can:
... JFK's assassination be pinned on a lone patsy using a bolt-action rifle to fire three rounds in 8.3 seconds, from behind the motorcade; while it is clearly indicated on film that the top of the president's head was blown off by a shot from the front.
... World Trade Center Building 7 be reported as collapsed on September 11th 2001 as a result of fires, while the engineering department of the University of Alaska Fairbanks undertook a 4 year long study into the collapse of WTC7, and their findings, published in Sept. 2019 and open to peer review categorically state: “ did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST [Nat'l Inst. of Standards and Technology] and private engineering firms that studied the collapse.” Explosives would have had to have been placed prior to the event to do this.
... an organization that specializes in mass murdering babies in the womb and peddling their body parts be called 'Planned Parenthood'.
... an ineligible person hold office for two terms as the most biblically-hostile potus, and a blatant forgery be presented and accepted as a legitimate certificate of live birth.
... a terrorist attack on U.S. interests in Benghazi, Libya, in which Ambassador Chris Stevens was raped, murdered and dragged through the streets by Islamists, be convincingly reported as a "spontaneous demonstration" in protest of a homemade anti-Islam video; that senior American officials on the ground knew immediately what was actually happening, and even as it turned out that the narrative was pure bulldung, there be NO ACCOUNTABILITY and NO CONSEQUENCES for anyone, including the notoriously criminal Secretary of State who, so arrogantly and despicably, testified after the fact: "What difference at this point does it make?"
... malicious lies of "Russian collusion" be perpetuated and investigated for 3 years, at a cost of many millions of taxpayer $, find NOTHING, and all the lies & treachery be exposed, with NO RETRACTIONS, and NO CONSEQUENCES for the fake news media, corrupt politicians and unelected bureaucrats who perpetrated the fraud.
... as crime rates and murders soared, with police executed in broad daylight, Americans be convinced that what was really taking place was peaceful protests dominated by people ‘concerned about social justice’, and that the police should be defunded.
... a viral pandemic be declared without even isolating a virus. A virus so dangerous that you have to take a test, which doesn't test for infection, to know you have it.
... while it is scientifically impossible for surgical masks (not to mention cloth ones) to stop the flow of aerosolized airborne particles, many continue to slavishly wear masks, indoors, outdoors, even while driving alone.
... Biden get 10 million more votes than Obama got, along with a host of other implausible results, and even in the face of clear evidence of treasonous fraud to determine the outcome, the election be accepted as legitimate.
How can these things be? It can only be due to long-term brainwashing, also known as gaslighting, which actually leads people to think illogically, and not even to think for themselves, dare ask questions or research independently.
Let God's people take comfort in the sovereignty of our Lord. If it's His judgment that the modern day Molech worshippers illegally assume political power in this nation, so be it -- we know that all things work together for good, whether apparent to us in the short run or not. Some are of the mindset that the culture of this nation is already totally post-Christian and under judgment. Indeed, the voices of the blood of millions of preborn babies cry out to the LORD from the ground.
Even so, our hope and prayer for the here & now is that the unfolding exposure of the entrenched leftocrat government swamp; the Godless, lying uniparty politicians, the ultra-corrupt unelected bureaucrats, the presstitute media, and the evil mammon they all serve, will be the beginning of the rejection of the revealed agenda of the wicked, and a return to the Christian values upon which this nation was founded, and that the gospel will shine forth and flourish here in our time. For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. -Luke 8:17
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. -Ephesians 5:11
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. -Romans 12:2